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This site has been created with the intention of being your one-stop resource for all things rugby league here in New Zealand and across the ditch with the NRL season in Australia.

The Newslinks articles on the front page are provided by NZCity's NewsLinks system, the news links to sites outside of, and are based on keywords so occassionally a non-rugby league link may appear, or the site it links to may no longer carry the article. It is possible that there may be the occasional mistake in the data entry (game dates, results etc). Any errors or omissions are regretted, however we are unable to accept any liability for its usage. Please double-check any crucial date or time information with another source. We will constantly be doing our best to keep the site and its information current and error free.

Thanks -

The NZCity Team

Please note all images and content is the copyright of the respective holders and may not be reproduced without written consent.

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